Download birthday alert software
Title of archive: birthday alert softwareВу: zahlpastlin
Dаtе: 19.09.2012
Speed: 6 Mb/s
Total downloads: 3496
Sіzе: 23.42 MB
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Birthday Reminder - Zhorn Software
Birthday Free Download,Birthday Software Collection Download Happy Birthday 1.0 A shareware that displays messages at the date you choose.
Birthday Reminder. Birthday Reminder will alert you to birthdays you need to remember, in advance of those dates. The reminder box looks like this:
A fast Birthday Reminder with built-in Manager to help you easily manage all of your anniversaries and a Checker which starts right with Windows so you'll never
Birthday Reminder. Birthday reminding messages can be shows on Windows startup. Backup/import birthday Details. ABC Birthday Reminder is an easy-to-use tool that
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Birthday Reminder - Zhorn Software .